Choosing a Couples Therapist: 3 Vital Things You Need to Know

Seeking the help of a couples therapist can be a transformative step towards improving your relationship. Whether you’re facing ongoing challenges or simply looking to enhance your connection, a skilled couples therapist can provide guidance, support, and valuable tools to navigate through difficulties. However, selecting the right therapist for your specific needs is crucial for the success of therapy.

In this article, we will explore three vital things you need to know when choosing a couples therapist and how you know that you need one.

Specialization in Couples Therapy

When it comes to couples therapy, it’s essential to work with a therapist who has specific training and expertise in this field. While many therapists offer a wide range of services, not all possess the specialized knowledge required to address the complexities of relationships.

Look for a therapist who has received formal training in couples therapy and has experience working specifically with couples. This expertise equips them with a deeper understanding of relationship dynamics, communication patterns, and common issues that couples face.

Additionally, consider the therapeutic approach used by the couples therapist. Different therapists may employ various theoretical frameworks, such as Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), Gottman Method Couples Therapy, or Imago Relationship Therapy.

Research these approaches to see which resonates with you and aligns with your goals for therapy. By selecting a therapist with expertise in couples therapy and an approach that aligns with your needs, you can increase the likelihood of achieving positive outcomes.

Personal Compatibility

Building a strong therapeutic alliance is essential for successful couples therapy. You and your partner should feel comfortable, safe, and understood in the presence of the therapist. Pay attention to your initial impressions during the first session and trust your instincts. It’s crucial to find a therapist who creates an environment where both you and your partner can openly express yourselves without judgment.

Consider the therapist’s communication style and personality. Do they actively listen to both partners and demonstrate empathy? Are they able to facilitate constructive conversations and manage conflicts effectively?

Additionally, reflect on whether the therapist’s values and beliefs align with yours. A therapist who respects and validates your unique perspectives and values can create a more conducive therapeutic environment.

Confidentiality and Ethical Standards

Trust and confidentiality are fundamental in the therapeutic process. When sharing intimate details of your relationship, it’s vital to ensure that your privacy will be respected. Before starting therapy, inquire about the therapist’s confidentiality policies and ethical standards.

A reputable couples therapist will prioritize confidentiality and adhere to professional codes of ethics. They should provide clear information about the limits of confidentiality and any legal obligations they may have to report certain situations, such as cases of abuse or harm to oneself or others.

Additionally, inquire about the therapist’s approach to maintaining ethical boundaries and handling any potential conflicts of interest. A trustworthy therapist will prioritize your well-being and maintain professional boundaries throughout the therapy process.

How do you know that you need support from a Couples Therapist?

Relationships can be complex and challenging, and it’s not uncommon for couples to experience difficulties and conflicts at various points in their journey together. Recognizing when you need support from a couples therapist can be a crucial step towards addressing these challenges and improving your relationship.

partner consoling wife in front of a couples therapist

Indicators that you need support from a Couples Therapist

Communication breakdowns

One indicator that you may benefit from couples therapy is when communication breakdowns become persistent and unresolved. When conflicts escalate and it becomes increasingly difficult to have productive and respectful conversations with your partner, it may be a sign that professional intervention is necessary.

Research has shown that poor communication patterns are often linked to relationship dissatisfaction and can contribute to a decline in overall relationship quality (Gottman & Silver, 1999). Seeking the guidance of a couples therapist can help you and your partner learn effective communication strategies and develop healthier patterns of interaction.

Damaged trust

Another indication that couples therapy may be beneficial is when trust has been significantly damaged within the relationship. Trust is a fundamental component of a healthy and thriving partnership.

When trust is eroded due to infidelity, breaches of boundaries, or other significant betrayals, it can be challenging to rebuild on your own. A couples therapist can provide a supportive and structured environment to facilitate the healing process, helping both partners navigate the complex emotions and rebuild trust in a safe and guided manner (Johnson, 2019).

Recurring patterns

Additionally, couples therapy can be beneficial when couples find themselves caught in recurring patterns of negative interactions or unresolved conflicts. Research has shown that certain negative patterns, such as the “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse” identified by John Gottman (criticism, defensiveness, contempt, and stonewalling), can be highly predictive of relationship dissatisfaction and even divorce (Gottman & Levenson, 2002).
Couples therapy can help couples recognize and address these destructive patterns, providing tools and strategies to break free from the cycle and foster healthier dynamics within the relationship.

Lack of emotional intimacy

If you find that you and your partner are growing apart or experiencing a lack of emotional intimacy, seeking the support of a couples therapist can be beneficial. Emotional intimacy is essential for connection and relationship satisfaction. When couples feel distant, emotionally disconnected, or experience a decline in their emotional bond, it can impact the overall quality of the relationship.

A couples therapist can guide you and your partner in rebuilding emotional intimacy, helping you navigate vulnerability, deepen understanding, and foster a stronger emotional connection.

In the end

Recognizing the need for support from a couples therapist is an important step towards addressing relationship challenges and improving overall relationship satisfaction. Persistent communication breakdowns, damaged trust, recurring negative patterns, and a lack of emotional intimacy are all indicators that couples therapy may be beneficial.

Hence, choosing a couples therapist is a significant decision that can have a profound impact on your relationship. By considering the therapist’s specialization in couples therapy, personal compatibility, and commitment to confidentiality and ethical standards, you can increase the likelihood of finding a therapist who can effectively guide you and your partner towards a healthier and more fulfilling relationship.

If you need help, we offer a FREE 15-minute consultation. Book now.


Gottman, J. M., & Levenson, R. W. A two-factor model for predicting when a couple will divorce: Exploratory analyses using 14-year longitudinal data. Family Process, 41(1), 83-96, 1999.

Gottman, J. M., & Silver, AND. The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, 1999.

Johnson, S. Attachment theory in practice: Emotionally focused therapy (EFT) with individuals, couples, and families, 2019.

Leboy, Jay and Snyder, D. K. Couple therapy in the 2020s: Current status and emerging developments, 2022.

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